Monday, 10 October 2011

The Nature 自然给与力量



----by 波德莱尔 Charles Baudelaire


Amélie said...

Dear Fei An, I won't attempt a translation of Charles Baudelaire from Chinese !
But i'm in love with the landscape around your home. A peaceful and serene nature. Your photos are such a magical rendering, with delicate shades of grey, green and red-brown. I'm amazed how you always transmit the feeling of being there.

Fei An said...

Dear Amelie, I wish I could find the English or French translation of Charles Baudelaire. However, it is obviously a mission which is too hard for me. Do you have a clue? Thanks for you always so encouraging words. I am greatly encouraged for every time anything you wrote to me. I think I am falling in love with photography again recently:)

Kenza said...

Beautiful photos! All the leaves are already gone! Here they are just starting to turn colors.

I can't read Chinese so I do not know what poem this is but the photos made me think of these lines from the Correspondence of Baudelaire:

"La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers
Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;
L’homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles
Qui l’observent avec des regards familiers."

(Nature is a temple where living columns
Let slip from time to time uncertain words;
Man finds his way through forests of symbols
Which regard him with familiar gazes.)

alliot + iza said...

So peaceful!
Thanks so much for sharing such beauty with us, dear Fei An. I fall into deep meditation on the unknown future ...

coco said...

fei, these are so peaceful places. is this your neighborhood scence?

Fei An said...

Yes, dear Coco, I took these pictures when I walked around in the neighborhood.

Dear Kenza, thank you for the lines of Nature from Baudelaire. It is truly inspiring....

kitchu said...

i wish i could walk into these photos and smell the air!