Thursday, 28 October 2010


I am so happy that Anja likes this very Chinese Style jacket. She even wears it at school. Both of girls are so proud that they are kind of Chinese, at least, now. Maybe I am paying bit much attention to this identity thing... the thing is I wanna prepare them to be confident in the coming years while they will be realizing that they are different from the Norwegian children.

Anja enjoys the viola lessons, and I am probably the most serious mama following up her progressing. That is very typical Chinese, isn't it? Her teacher asked if I'd like to borrow a viola back home so I can practice together with Anja. Oh yes, I 'd love to:)


Unknown said...

Really fantastic photography!

Kenza said...

So beautiful!
I have missed a lot including you first snow!
How are you? Nice to be back in touch.
Kisses to all!

Yanyan said...

They are truly beautiful, your girls.

Justine said...

We could say that clothes are not important but even if I don't want to dress Emilie like a fashion victim, I see that they are clothes she does not want to wear because she doesn't feel beautiful wearing them. If they feel comfy and like what they are wearing they feel more confident, I'm sure about that.And it's our job to create clothes our children will love and you're really really good at it ;-)

Fei An said...

Dear Justine, you have the point. Yes, for sure, cloth is not the biggest thing to make children confident. I agree what you said about "If they feel comfy and like what they are wearing they feel more confident, I'm sure about that". Thanks for your gentle reminding.
Have a great week!