Thursday, 10 June 2010

little update

Anette disagrees with me every morning on what kind of clothing she should put on... She likes to wear as little as possible while this is the summer in the north europe, not warm at all. However, she thinks it is summer now, so she decides not to wear clothing with long-sleeve anymore:(

Anja begins to do a lot of things to my surprise: She takes shower together with Anette and washes her little sister's hair. She was intented to blow dry Anette's hair with my hair dryer before I was quick enough to stop her. She also insists on trying needle work and also knitting. She plays a lot, really a lot and I try my best to relax with this. It is a little bit scary to think about how much the children in China at her age have managed already. ......


Yoli said...

SHe is so beautiful! I love what she is wearing, can't wait to receive my top. Children hate sleeves, no matter the weather. It is amazing she is sewing already.

Maia said...

Such beautiful photos!

Q would go without clothes if she could, even in winter. Funny isn't it?

Anonymous said...

that dress is so beautiful... here, it's so hot, and the girls don't want to wear anything else than bathing suits!! big problem every morning :-)

Kenza said...

Anette is beautiful!
And oh needle work! Amazing! Let her! She will poke her fingers a few times and then will do beautiful creations inspired by her mother. And maybe one day she can teach me, as I can barely saw a button!

Yanyan said...

They are wonderful, and so nice Anja is taking care of little sister! The Scandinavians sure thinks different than us when it comes to temperature, little Anette is a little scandinavian! My husband always thinks I put too much clothes on for Landon. Well, I need a cardigan when it is only 16 degree outside and he wears Tshirt...:)

Fei An said...

Dear Yanyan, you are right, I think the girls are quite scandinavian! Both are quite strong actually, and seldom get sick...

Di said...

Lovely photos! It's funny how different childhoods can be - playing seems to me to be the most natural thing in the world for a child but I guess that's how it is/was in my world!

I love that Anja is wanting to sew!

alliot + iza said...

Iza does not like to put on clothes or wearing clothes with sleeves either :) ... she is always forgetting her coat / cardigan ... and left them in the school for many times ... one is still missing ...
now, i don't initiate the idea of wearing a cardigan or so ... if she feels cold, she will tell me :)
Actually, your words on the children in China (similar case in HK) ... touch my nerve ...
Oh! it's time to make the breakfast for iza. I must go now. Will come back soon.

alliot + iza said...

Sorry that i may use a wrong phrase ... what i mean is that it is a subject i always struggling with ... the purpose of education ...

3 weeks ago, when i was sitting in the auditorium watching iza swimming, next to me were a mother and a 2Y old child. Buying time for waiting her elder son, the mother was using flash cards to teach her 2Y girl. The mother did flip the cards at a very high speed ... but the little girl seemed to recognize most of the chinese words which iza learnt at her K-3 (5Y). The rest of time, the girl was doing some board games and matching games ...

Flash cards and also all types of posters with illustrated words are very common in hk ... We are living in a place where lots of mothers are very concerned achievements. They count the number of words their children can recognize at their toddler stage ... and teach their kid to learn mathematics at their very early stage ...

I had met a mother (iza's classmate in the kindergarten), she told me today's children have already acquired the knowledge they need to learn in the kindergarten BEFORE going to the kindergarten. It's extremely true to her girl whom knew A-Z before 2Y old. The mother said that she's just considering going to kindergarten was a chance to let her only daughter to play with other children.

However, iza did not know A-Z when she was 3Y4M, that was the time she entered the kindergarten. And, the first mother made me understand why so many students in iza's primary school are so brilliant and capable ... I think some of them have started the "training" - a mechanical input and output - at least 2-3 years before entering the formal education system.

I do not feel comfortable with the flash card method though i know its effect. I do not want to "teach" iza by "TELLING" her ... that is like creating a copy of what i said in her mind ... i know it's effective in building up her "library" ... but i prefer she explores and discovers things by herself, building up her habit in independent thinking and self-directing learning. It is SO IMPORTANT. When i come into encounter with young designers, i find that they are so used to be TOLD to do things and have extreme difficulty in self driven task. I think , it might be their thinking habits create the greatest mind block.

This belief was once shaken when iza entered her primary school. Before the school started, they run a reading ability test on all children. Iza was in level 1 which means intervention required. For primary one, the expected level is from 3-7. I was very regret that i did not conduct "EARLY TEACH" as other mothers do. It's a long story why iza loves book but was not able to achieve the test ... but within 2 months time, iza managed to fit in the system, she has made a remarkable improvement ... maybe the time is right, the child will bloom naturally.

Sorry that it's a bit long ... but i adore the education system of your place. I think it is a very humane and natural way to allow the children learning to self direct themselves. Just like, when Anja interests in something, she will drive herself to learn and do it. But children in HK do not have the chance to even feel or think what they actually want to do but "mechanically" intake things present in front of them.

Karumen said...

alliot, i absolutely agree with your comments about the flash cards!! i haven't have a kid of my own yet, but when i do, i don't want to "train" them instead of "teach" them..besides, what's the goods of a 2 year old kid to know all his/her ABC's or what does that mean to the kid anyway? i think it's best for the kid to enjoy his/her childhood to the max, and grow according to the biological clock, instead of forcing them to grow faster, or, out of pattern. when they can still enjoy playing with a toy car or doll, let them be! they will continue learning for their live time anyway, at least, that's what my mom thinks and i appreciated that :) (n i didn't become extra stupid, hehehe)

Fei An said...

Dear Alliot, I even don't know what is a "flashcard":p) I remember when we were back in Beijing , I saw overwhelmingly mass "early education" products for children in China. Most of them are shiney and noisy. I did not buy a thing except some children books. I do agree chinese parents do a lot mental training at very early age while not so much in terms of the "creativity" and "the nature" part. Chinese parents like to make decisions for their children and arrange things for "the best result" of their children. While it is so important that children are indepentdent, manage things and make decisions themselves. On the other hand, I think the norwegian parents are very good at "letting go" of their children. Children growing up this way must have a heart of total freedom. I don't know much about how to educate a child and recently, I have a urge in my heart recently telling myself to start serious study to this topic. I have been too relaxed with this issue for long regarding "the purpose of education"... I think it is time for me now to think and study of this issue seriously. I mean, I need to understand something more to give some guiding to my children while I must remember that "children should explore and discover things by themselves, building up the habit in independent thinking and self-directing learning."

As for Anette and Anja, I am "embarassed" to mention anything that they have achieved comparing to the chinese kids...maybe one thing or two: very good at playing with each other creativly and lots of activities outdoors. Anja is still learning norwegian alphabet after one year at school while she can read well enough...just a clue of the norwegian school way of progressing...

Sometimes I imagine that Iza is going to Saint Martins College of Art & Design:) or Yale when she grows up, and I imagine that she manage it her own way. She is so taleted, and you are so wise, Alliot. I even feel luck myself to have you there, always giving me inspirations and guiding, let along Iza:)

Fei An said...

haha, Dear Karumen, you are not "extra stupid":o), you are a wise "kid"!!! So true, "what's the goods of a 2 year old kid to know all his/her ABC's or what does that mean to the kid anyway? " so bright comment:)You can teach me a lot, seriously. Thanks for this.