Monday, 29 August 2011

Mongolian Prairie 天边

Music: here.

I never thought that the years of living in Inner Mongolia at my teenage and youth time  had been building up such a strong emotional  connection to the beautiful green Mongolian Prairie.  This summer, I was back to the Prairie again then I suddenly realized why I am so attracted to colors such as: green , white, blue......It is an "inside me" who wish to express her love, emotions and strong feelings to the Prairie. Just wish my design of  this 2011/12 AW  collection can show a slice beauty of Mongolian Prairie. 

This collection is delicate to my Little Mongolian princess Sally: wish you well and lots of love to you, my dear sweetheart!  


Yoli said...


Fei An said...

Dear Yoli, 给你和宝贝我的爱和祝福,我的心和你们在一起。