Hearing can be a source of even more exquisite pleasure but it requires conscious cultivation. I have had people tell me they had never heard the song of a wood thrush, although I knew the bell-like phrases of this bird had been ringing in their back yard every spring. By suggestion and example, I believe children can be helped to hear the many voice about them. Take time to listen and talk about the voice of the earth and what they mean - the majestic voice of thunder, the winds, the sound of surf or flowing streams.
---- Rachel Carson [The Sense of Wonder]
Lovely post! I adore the noises of nature - just last week whilst walking at Tentsmuir Beach I could hear the cry of the curlews (wading birds with long curved beaks), the tap tap of a woodpecker, the wind blowing through the pine trees and the shaking noise of the leaves on the birch trees.....beautiful!
Beautiful post. Hearing nature and its many moods is something that we try to show the children.
I can hear beautiful voice of the winds from you photos.
I love your senseibility.
Your sweet girls dresse well!!!
you are so very right.
拍的太好了。好美哦! (用我们 Landon 的话来说)北欧的天气越来越冷了,又是别样的美
i always can feel fresh, smell fresh from your images and words...
thankyou for rescue me from my dusty city...
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