Tuesday, 18 May 2010

The National Day----Children Parade

It was the National Day the past monday. The celebration started from last thursday, a public holiday until yesterday. So, a long weekend plus one monday which are occcupied by the kids. The National Day is the Children's Day in Norway. Children will do big parade and graduates from high school will also celebrate this big day---time to say goodbye to the adolescent time and start with their adult life:)

Anja wishes to marry this little guy when she grows up. They were from the same kidgarden and at the same school class now :o)

The principal
is doing her speech while before she started with her speech, every child got an icecube to make sure they are quite and patient enough to let the pirncipal to finish the speech:)
singing the national anthem


Karumen said...

Both of your girls look gorgerous!! And so is the little guy hehe

Kenza said...

Anja has good taste! I love the photo where the two are holding hands and of course the one with the baloon! Seems like you all had a wonderful time. Oh! and the first and last pictures are also wonderful. We get a good feel for Norway. Beautiful!

alliot + iza said...

Wonderful moments! So vivid! Beautiful costumes. Sublime colors of the landscape, like fairy tales!
we are so excited to tell you that we've got your parcel! Many thanks to your kindness! We will do some pictures on weekends! Your thought warm our heart!!!
I wish every success of your shop!!
Warmest regards.

Karumen said...

Dear Feian, many many thanks for your lovely comments! That is really encouraging to hear!! i always love to write stuff, perhaps because I used to read some books before (not a lot, and not anymore due to laziness..hehe) so I fancy writing my stories too. I'll keep it up!! cheers!!
ps. i've sent you an email yesterday~ pls kindly check it! cheers!

Di said...

I love that Anja already knows who she wants to marry! I wish I knew ;o)

I think that Children's Day looks like a lot of fun - even if they do have to listen to the principal talk!!

M*L*R said...

What beautiful pictures!

chriszhangpu said...
